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“Keys to Conquer Your Destiny,” is a transformative program designed to empower individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve …

Course Access

Unlimited Duration

Last Updated

August 2, 2024

Total Video Time

3 hours, 11 minutes

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"Keys to Conquer Your Destiny," is a transformative program designed to empower individuals to unlock their full potential and achieve their life goals. Through a series of expertly crafted modules, participants will explore essential principles of personal development, goal setting, and strategic planning. Gwira's insights, drawn from years of experience and success, provide practical tools and actionable steps to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. Whether you're looking to advance in your career, improve personal relationships, or simply live a more fulfilling life, this course offers the guidance and inspiration needed to conquer your destiny.

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Charles Gwira
Spiritual Leader

About Instructor

Course Currilcum

    • 1.1 – Why This Matters 00:05:00
    • 1.2 – Discovering God’s unique Plan for Your Life 00:11:00
    • 1.3 – The Power of Prayer and Connecting with God Unlimited
    • 1.4 – Biblical Foundations to Conquer Your Destiny 00:07:00
    • 1.5 – How-To Walk-In Obedience 00:04:00
    • 2.1 – Defining Limiting Beliefs 00:05:00
    • 2.2 – The Impact of a Limited Mindset 00:07:00
    • 2.3 – Accepting Change For Growth 00:08:00
    • 2.4 – Practical Strategies for Overcoming Your Obstacles 00:03:00
    • 3.1 – Assess You Current Situation Unlimited
    • 3.2 – Define Your Desired Outcomes and Goals Unlimited
    • 3.3 – Set Your Time Frame 00:06:00
    • 3.4 – Count The Cost 00:05:00
    • 3.5 – Create Your Action Plan 00:04:00
    • 4.1 – What are Your Core Values 00:05:00
    • 4.2 – Your Guiding Principles, Ethics, and Ideals 00:05:00
    • 4.3 – Journeying Through Your Relationships 00:05:00
    • 5.1 – Understanding the Consequences of Your Dreams 00:04:00
    • 5.2 – How disobedience Holds you Back 00:06:00
    • 5.3 – How to Accept when Setbacks Happen 00:12:00
    • 5.4 – Overcome Opposition 00:10:00
    • 5.5 – Handle Ending and Relocation Unlimited
    • 6.1 – Develop Endurance to Stay the Course 00:12:00
    • 6.2 – Avoid the Temptation to return to Old Habits 00:12:00
    • 7.1 – Progressing in Your Spiritual Journey 00:07:00
    • 7.2 – Scale Your Life and Grow Spiritually 00:12:00